Blogs (Jul 2019)

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July 31, 2019
Hybrid Cloud Integration

Hybrid integration bridges the gap between your existing enterprise and SaaS/PaaS, B2B &B2C, BYOD and big data. It also solves the issue of taking existing information from on-premises systems.

July 29, 2019
What is Cloud Integration?

The benefits of a smooth cloud integration helps enterprises accomplish goals like accelerate time to market, more innovative and customer focused work with free IT resources, and improved and automated business processes.

July 26, 2019
3 Tips for an Effective Data Strategy

Today modern businesses can survive only if the data available is used to acquire and retain customers. Such data can be used to automate the supply chain or protect valuable assets of an enterprise provided they use the data for continuous development.

July 24, 2019
Why containers and DevOps can be the perfect pair in Cloud?

To ensure high performance, containers and DevOps are the two things that can be paired for maximum efficiency today in a Cloud based system. However,progresses and returns will be seen immediately, but it takes time to build the processes that will truly realize the value in these technologies.

July 22, 2019
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Data Centers?

Data centers consume a lot of energy and require humungous effort to maintain all systems. To ensure maximum data center output, virtualizing servers and storage systems, heat containment, turning off idle equipment can increase the efficiency of the overall center.

July 19, 2019
Things to understand while moving Data Analytics to Cloud

Earlier, databases were clumsy and slow with high costs. But with Cloud, databases have improved to real time scenarios. However, the process is tedious and IT personnel have to take appropriate effort to make the transit easier.

July 17, 2019
What is CLOUD Act?

Security is one of the main concerns of Cloud migration and cloud-based processes. Hence the Cloud Act was introduced this year which takes care of modernized data privacy and government surveillance laws to reflect industry cloud computing practices.

July 15, 2019
2 Barriers to Successful Cloud Migration

Migration often starts with easy tasks. As the process progresses, enterprises run into various process-related problems,that makes Cloud migration even harder. Issues of unsatisfactory security and stringent budget limitations always happen to be the 2 primary problems while migration.

July 12, 2019
4 Challenges in Cloud Migration.

Successful adoption, deployment, and implementation of cloud facilities depend on successful closure of these factors. However, it still remains one of the most cost-effective options for a business that requires flexibility and face unpredictable loads and market conditions.

July 10, 2019
While Migrating to Cloud do not just aim for some Operational Savings alone

Cloud migration must be transformative to the core business and must not be focused just to save money on operations. Therefore, one must think of innovation and value addition with cloud rather than considering it keeping pace with current technology.