Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Solution

In a single glance hybrid and multi-Cloud computing may seem similar, but have a slight difference. As both of these options pose the dilemma of cost and understanding with respect to its usage, Core Technologies Services, Inc. gives a brief outline of both solutions and its applications.

To understand the difference in layman’s terms, consider a hybrid system having on-premise private Cloud and a public Cloud like Microsoft Azure to run your business. This gives the optimum output and handles demanding loads giving business flexibility during critical crunch times.

With a multi-cloud solution, as the name suggests, a mix of public Cloud service (i.e. more than one public Cloud is used) in conjunction with the private Cloud(s). Private Cloud computing can be coupled with other private Clouds are also used. In practice, with respect to cost as well as IT monitoring, a single public Cloud like Azure is used and multiple private Cloud services are used. However, if expansion commands the needs for multiple public cloud services, the service can be broadened with the help of the provider.

With respect to feasibility, most providers try to simplify the coupling of various Clouds by using limited numbers of platforms with higher efficiency to avoid operational as well as managerial hassles.

Efficiency factors for Multi-Cloud

The efficiency of a multi-cloud platform depends on 3 factors, namely: connectivity, data centers and the scalable engineering capabilities of data centers.

With the right data center, both multi-cloud and hybrid platforms perform equally. So, what matters most is the speed of connectivity with a public cloud since it is being shared by many organizations. CoreIT always works a case-specific solution for our clients providing a good connectivity and helps them in making the decision between multi-Cloud or hybrid solutions easier.

Last but not the least, the engineering capabilities of data centers to scale with continuous testing and interconnectivity with the complex working environment are major factors that make a multi-cloud / hybrid platform highly efficient together with high-speed low latency connectivity.

Consult CoreIT for intricate and critical mission control activities and allow us to bring the best connectivity for your business with the scalable options.