CoreIT has time and again warned our valued partners and new enterprises about cyber threats and ransomware attacks. We have emphasized on the importance of encryption and data security measures to keep enterprise data safe from hackers. Today we look at client-side encryption and its benefits for enterprises below.

Client-side encryption is deemed today as the most advanced protection service for cloud users as it uses asymmetric cryptology technology. This makes client-side encryption a passphrase activity that only the user knows which the cloud provider cannot uncover under any circumstance. 

On comparing and analyzing client-side encryption with end-to-end encryption, it can be seen that client-side method provides peace of mind for cloud users, especially when high-profile hacks in end-to-end encryption are possible. Below is a detailed analysis of both the security measures.

End-to-end encryption vs. Client-side encryption
Earlier end-to-end encryption was the common offering from most service providers. In this method, the data is encrypted on one side (sender’s data) and only the receiving party can decrypt it keeping files safe during transfer, but leaving both parties vulnerable to data leaks.

Client-side encryption stores data in the cloud that can be viewed only by user-side of the exchange and eliminates the possibility for service providers to view the same. Personal passphrases are unavailable to service providers ensuring only users can decrypt data. Such zero-knowledge policy thwarts unsanctioned revelation of private information, guaranteeing that service providers will never know the data cloud users’ store. This provides peace of mind to both personal and business cloud storage users.

CoreIT favors client-side encryption that allows owners of lost or stolen devices to preserve data in the cloud and reset security measures. Though not all documents needs to be encrypted, having an option like client side encryption is necessary for sensitive data and files as compared to the usual end-to-end encryption