The year 2017 is turning out to be a year of IT security as there has been a tremendous rise in security attacks. It is anticipated that sophistication of the attack would increase as the attackers have access to latest technology allowing them to avoid detection making no business immune to a security attack.

The surge in the cloud adoption and mobility in workplaces have increased the security threat as there are no defined policies to protect critical data on mobile devices

                                                               Ponemon Institute© Research Report

Small and medium businesses are in grave danger when it comes to protecting themselves from cyber-attack or data breach as they have little or no budget and also they lack access to skilled resources to protect their IT infrastructure from potential attacks.

The smaller businesses are more prone to attacks generated from web, phishing and using social networks. Moreover, because of lack of knowledge and negligence by employees and other stakeholders, there has been an increase in data breaches.

Most of the businesses are worried about their customer data, like personal information, intellectual property, financial information etc. but they lack an appropriate mechanism to protect this data. It is required that business should create strong security policies and strictly enforce the same to avoid business loss.

As it has been found that for most of the businesses it is difficult to maintain in-house security team hence in this scenario it is required that business should partner with managed security services provider to help them to create a right security layer and determine security policies.

At Core Technologies Services, Inc., our team of skilled engineers assists small and medium business by providing the right security mechanism to protect their IT infrastructure by including firewalls, anti-virus, anti-malware, SIEM, endpoint management, network traffic intelligence in security strategy.

As Business owners usually lack confidence in their existing security protection our security team works closely with stakeholder to help businesses to overcome this fear by evaluating the existing security mechanisms to identify gaps and prepare the business to mitigate cyber risks, vulnerabilities, and attacks.